We also know that sometimes you just need the answer without a call!
You may just find the answer you’re looking for quickly.
For all inquiries: support@iqyouhealth.com
Email Service Hours: Monday – Friday
E-mail received by 1pm (EDT) will be answered on the same day.
E-mail received after 1pm (EDT) will be answered the next business day.
Contact Us by Phone:
(301) 530-1112, Ext 1
Phone support hours are Monday - Friday from 9am to 5pm Eastern Time.
Note: We do our best to return your call the same day when you have to leave a voice message.
We will always return it within a 24-hour window. Please keep in mind that if you call repeatedly in that window, you can be slowing down our ability to get back to you.
We know your call is important and we want to help you as fast as we can.
IQYOU Health
c/o Village Green Apothecary
5415 W. Cedar Lane
Bethesda. MD 20814
E-mail: support@iqyouhealth.com
Holidays – Office is Closed:
E-mail received on a holiday will be answered before 6:00pm (EST) the following business day.
*New Year’s Day
*Memorial Day
*Independence Day
*Labor Day
*Christmas Eve
*Christmas Day