We know how hard it is to stay healthy these days – we’ve helped thousands of people understand what makes them sick and discover how they can get healthy again.
Once you have your unique EpiBioGenetic® Assessment, you'll have a complete personalized “guidebook” or “blueprint” to optimize your health — you’ll know which foods to avoid, which nutrients to supplement, and how much your body actually needs. Plus, you’ll see the specific toxins your body has trouble purging and how best to address them via detoxification protocols and lifestyle choices.
And as the years go on, and your health changes, the system continues to learn and adapt with you. (For example, the food intolerances and environmental allergens that bother you today may not be the same ones as next year.)
IQYOU is developed by Dr. Joe Pizzorno, founder of Bastyr University — considered “the Harvard of clinical nutrition” — where top nutritionists, functional medicine doctors, and naturopathic doctors come to learn and study.
Dr. Pizzorno is often called “the father of evidence-based nutrition.” He wrote The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, one of the bestselling books ever published on the subject natural health.
Today, he and his team of researchers, scientists, and technology experts are working on A.I. (artificial intelligence) and driving the logic and the science behind IQYOU to really scale the personalization of health and make it available, affordable, and accessible for anyone on any budget.
When you invest in IQYOU, you will:
1. Get first access to this amazing technology, which puts you back in the driver’s seat of your own health and understand your individual nutrient needs, toxicity levels, and genetic susceptibilities… and quickly get down to the root cause of whatever your issues may be.
2. Receive special access to Nutritionists and Clinical Specialists trained in IQYOU, who can help you interpret your results and put together a customized plan for you to follow.
3. Help us can take on our massive, Goliath “one size fits all” healthcare system (which focuses primarily on disease treatment and managing symptoms and costs the U.S. $3.2 Trillion every year) …and shift the focus to a health and wellness model structured around true personalization of health for everyone.
IQYOU’s combination of medical research and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has already produced improvements in health outcomes for over 4,000 test subjects over the course of four years of beta testing. And
we can help you too.